Maps by Color
kimmie's personal favorite map color is her classic red & orange. It is bold, daring, and grabs all her guests' attention. The color scheme works well in a living room or dining room to be sure it receives as many staring eyes as possible. This color palette is available in both Texas and Houston map prints as well as matted prints (print includes a thick, white border).
Learn more about the orange color palette
kimmie knows this bold pattern may not work with all home decor so she created a black & white color scheme for both the Houston and Texas map prints. This color palette works well with all kinds of home furniture or wall decorations but still captures true Texan pride.
Learn more about the black & white color palette
Are you not in love with these options? No problem! kimmie can create a custom piece just for you through her commission process. Choose your own colors, your own location, your desired size, it's just for you! Contact kimmie to get right to it.